Sunday, February 26, 2012

Iran's Nukes - Harvard to Host Conference Calling for an End to Israel

It is shocking, but perhaps not surprising. On Saturday and Sunday, March 3 and 4, Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government will host a conference entitled "One State Conference: Israel/Palestine and the One-State Solution." The goal of the conference is "to expand the range of academic debate on this issue. Thus, our main goal is to educate ourselves and others about the possible contours of a one-state solution and the challenges that stand in the way of its realization." Notice how delicately it is put: "to expand the range..." To be sure, this conference will discuss ending the State of Israel. Nothing more and nothing less. A so-called "one state" solution means the end of Jewish sovereignty in Israel. Harvard knows it. Anybody with a brain knows it. The only question is, how has it come this far?

Caroline Glick argues that the academic elite is now leading the charge of Jew-hatred. Consider the long list of "professors" who will be speaking at the conference. My sense is that the reason the Holocaust was more successful in killing Jews on a genocidal scale than say the Russian czars' pogroms is because the Holocaust was fueled from above - from elitist anti-Semitism and elitist xenophobia. It wasn't the feudal lords who organized the murder machine. Those lords just let their Cossacks murder couple hundred Jews to get their bloodlust satisfied for the year. Most of the surviving Jews were permitted to pack their suitcases and run away.

The Holocaust was different. It wasn't the peasant class or their landed gentry lords that instigated the crime. And the Holocaust wasn't perpetrated principally to satisfy their taste for Jewish blood. In the decades before the Holocaust, an evil wind blew through academia and other elite quarters throughout the Western world. The doctrines of race and eugenics became all the rage of the anointed intellectuals. Even an otherwise liberal thinker like Oliver Wendell Holmes was drawn to the fashionable concept of killing mentally disabled in the name of eugenics. These doctrines gave the German intellectuals the philosophical underpinning for their so-called "anti-Semitism." That itself was a pseudo-scientific term for regular old Jew hating just like "anti-Zionism" is a progressive, politically correct term for regular old Jew hating today. That is, anti-Semitism was an elitist way of masking intolerance, even genocidal intolerance for Jews and making it socially acceptable to seek our annihilation. And this is the precise function that the term anti-Zionism serves today.

And here's Richard Baehr: University political activity feeds off identifying victim groups and fighting for their cause. The Palestinians are now in the upper tier of such groups. Some students may tune out the venom toward Israel that is routinely directed at them in far more classes than just Middle East studies or modern history. But others will absorb some of the toxin. It is not surprising that the graduates of America?s elite schools are far less sympathetic to Israel than graduates of other universities, and much less so than the rest of America?s adult population. In essence, anti-Zionism has become completely acceptable at the top of the academic ladder, and from there, over time, it has been and will continue to permeate the rest of mainstream society - in leftist churches and synagogues, and the mainstream media in particular. You cannot slander gays, women or Muslims, but Israelis have become fair game.

Ladies and gentlemen, you should be scared. When the nation's top university hosts a conference dedicated to discussing ways to wipe Israel off the map, well, Boston's Jews may be next.

Gerlad Burstyn writes for World Jewish Daily, from where this article is adapted.


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